Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Apartment Garden

So I also have a love to garden. It is all very new to me, so I am learning as I go.  I started with a small pot of soil and some basil seeds.  Not much came of it, and I was a little disappointed.  After I had taken a break from my gardening hobby, Nick, with his Handyman skills in mind, was going to make a cabinet to go in our bathroom. He then decided to donate the outside of the cabinet to my gardening hobby to make an area for my herbs. Turned out to be another great love of mine.

I started with planting Cilantro, Oregano, Green Onions, and Flat-Leafed Parsley.  Each herb had a mind of its own... My Cilantro took off, the Oregano barely looked like it was thriving, the Onions sprouted but were too small to last and the Parsley was going according to plan.

Front to Back of Planter: Cilantro, Oregano, Green Onion, Parsley
I labeled each herb by writing on an old cork and using a wire hanger to stick it in the soil. This was a Pinterest find, of course.  Another Pinterest find was to take my Parsley, which later grew overwhelmingly large and hard to keep up with, and fill ice trays with the chopped (food-processed) and cleaned Parsley and fill with a little bit of water. Froze the ice trays and later had an endless supply of parsley for my green smoothies (a later post). I found this idea from the Organic Gardening Website.

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